Category: 30.1
Revenge, Revisionism, or Reconciliation? Libya after the Arab Spring
Marieke Wierda and Suliman Ibrahim
Rethinking Resistance and Redress
Khatchig Mouradian
Can There Ever Be Transitional Justice in Iraq?
Mieczysław P. Boduszyński
CIA Director James R. Schlesinger and the End of Intelligence Exceptionalism
Loch K. Johnson
Connecting the Pieces: China’s Bricolage Surveillance System
Kevin D. Haggerty
The Strategic Nature of the Digital Age
Michael Fischerkeller and Richard Harknett
Colonialism and Racism in Twenty-First-Century Mexico
Federico Navarrete
The Impact of Colonization on Language Policy in Indigenous Languages
Elisa Loncon
Transcending Western Myopia: Understanding Contemporary Middle Eastern Neocolonialism on its Own Terms
Marjan Greenblatt and Jason Guberman
A Decade of Greek Immigration and Asylum Policy (2015-2024)
Angelo Tramountanis