Category: 29.1
Militarized Global Apartheid
Catherine Besteman
Why Most Communities in Zimbabwe Are Embracing the Right2SayNo
Farai Maguwu
Rethinking Recovery: How to Sustainably Support Communities Affected by Genocide and Sexual Violence
Nadia Murad
Democracy, Demography, and the Future of the European Union
Dubravka Šuica
Transparency and the Internet: Facebook’s Global Reach
Frances Haugen
Reification of Data: the Right to be Forgotten, Data Ownership, Network Usage Fee, and Data Sovereignty
Kyung-Sin Park
Remaking the Future of the Internet
James Lewis
Inclusion and Environmental Protection in Space
Tony Milligan
The Artemis Theory of Warfare
Mark J. Sundahl
The Strength of Small, Lean, and Agile
Brian Binnie