Category: 23.2
Tropical Forests, Politics, and Power: From Colonial Concessions to Carbon Credits
Ivan R. Scales
The Political Ecology of Knowledge and Ignorance
Lily Zeng, Deepti Chatti, Chris Hebdon, and Michael R. Dove
Nine Dashes, Illiberal Trade Interests, TPP, and Vietnam
Raj Bhala
Promoting Well-being in the Modern City
Charles Montgomery
Currency, Sovereignty, and Questions of Control: The Eurozone in Crisis
Binoy Kampmark
Europe’s Policy Trilemmas: Considering the Economic and Monetary Union
Marco Buti
Urbanization: Emerging Challenges and a New Global Urban Agenda
Aisa Kirabo Kacyira
The Dollar Rules
Eswar Prasad
Downsizing the Dollar in the Age of Trump? The Ambiguities of Key Currency Status
Eric Helleiner
The New Green Revolution for Africa: A Political Ecology Critique
William G. Moseley